25 septiembre 2008

Insecure Magazine 18

Ya se ha lanzado el número 18 de la revista de seguridad.

Los contenidos a continuación (en inglés), busca el enlace de descarga en

The covered topics include:

- Security standpoint by Sandro Gauci: Closing a can of worms
- Network and information security in Europe today
- Browser security: bolt it on, then build it in
- Passive network security analysis with NetworkMiner
- Lynis - an introduction to UNIX system auditing
- Windows driver vulnerabilities: the METHOD_NEITHER odyssey
- Removing software armoring from executables
- Insecurities in privacy protection software
- A proactive approach to data breaches
- Compliance does not equal security but it's a good start
- Secure web application development
- Avoiding a "keys to the kingdom" attack without compromising security
- The insider threat
- Web application security: risky business?
- Enterprise application security: how to balance the use of code
reviews and web application firewalls for PCI compliance

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